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Weeding the Library Collection
Texas State Library and Archives Commission Cycle of Service
Guidelines for Weeding your Collection
Weeding the School Library
Some advice from the list that you may not have considered:
1. Please be very, very careful about this procedure. It may cause all sorts of trouble for you. Your patrons (students, parents, fellow teacher, administration) do not understand the weeding process as well as professional librarians. Believe it or not I have heard of librarians being fired because the administration thought they acted irresponsibly. I hope you have been keeping your administration informed as you worked through this process.
So, make sure you have in print your guidelines for weeding -- i.e., fiction book over 10 years old, not a classic, has not been checked out in 5 years, etc.
Remember these books were purchased with taxpayer funds. Since you have so many, is there a jobber who deals in used books that will purchase them from you to return funds to the school district. You usually can't throw them in the trash as the janitorial staff will be up in arms.
2. If you decide to sell discarded books online, I would choose a third party to post them. I've read horror stories where educators were indicted for selling school property and accused of keeping the profits. I cleared it first with my administration.
Download Disposal of Weeded, Discarded, and Unwanted Books by the Friends of Colorado Libraries below.
Download weeding_LP.pdf