Posted at 04:21 PM in Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
A week ago Tuesday, I went to Kansas City to the beautiful Kauffman Foundation Conference Center for the College Readiness Dialogues. I especially enjoyed the roundtable discussion and Jean Donham's keynote before lunch. I was lucky enough to sit beside Dr. Donham, and she was a delightful and sensible person. Her research is useful to those of us attempting to prepare students for college level work.
Her article under the Toolkit link is worth reading, and it is also linked here.
Heather Braum from NEKLS also mentioned that Sarah Goodwin Thiel, Bayliss Harsh, and Carmen Orth-Alfie at KU Libraries' Center for Community Affiliate Initiatives shared a wonderful resource they have put together for high school students, teachers, and librarians about writing, research and study skills, to support college readiness.
After lunch, we also enjoyed walking across the street to the Kauffman Memorial Garden. (MHouse)
Cindy Pfeiffer and Jean Donham
Man Flying Kite
Photos Submitted by Cindy Pfeiffer
Posted at 08:38 PM in Information Literacy, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Also take a look at Teaching Common Core Research Skills and Information Literacy. If you want to contribute or have suggestions for the site, let me know.
Posted at 10:30 AM in Information Literacy, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Marc Aronson was the featured speaker Wednesday at the NEKLS 2013 School Librarians' Workshop at the KS State Historical Society in Topeka. Dr. Aronson discussed the role of nonfiction in the Common Core Standards. Librarians from all over the state attended, listened, and networked; eating lunch together, spending money in the gift shop, and choosing from a variety of afternoon breakout sessions.
Dr. Aronson
One of the 140 attendees checked out the available breakout sessions.
Robin Schrack, Gardner Edgerton High School
Ruth McCauley, KASL Promotions Chair and Nancy McFarlin, KASL President-Elect laugh together before the keynote presentation.
Photos by MHouse
Posted at 02:57 PM in Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 11:00 AM in Advocacy, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 12:30 PM in Information Literacy, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
See the full article at LibraryDoor.
Posted at 11:39 AM in Literacy, Reading Promotion, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
from my hero, Kristin Fontichiaro on Booklist's Likely Stories blog.
Here is the archived Booklist webinar on Getting Ready for K-8 Research.
At my little school, the high school ELA department is already doing more research, and it is wonderful. I am finding myself pushing information out to teachers and working individually with students when they hit a wall, so I am more of a consultant than anything else. Your experience will probably vary depending on your skill set and the requirements of your teachers and students.
Posted at 03:44 PM in Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Nonfiction Matters: a SLJ blog that has multiple entries, all excellent, on the common core and school libraries
Crosswalk of the Common Core Standards and the Standards for the 21st-Century Learner
ELA and Literacy Resources for the Kansas Common Core Standards
All Aboard!: Implementing Common Core Offers School Librarians An Opportunity to Take the Lead
Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role
Quick Guide to the Common Core: Key Expectations Explained
One thing that concerned me immediately about implementation of the Common Core Standards in our district was the fear that teachers and administration would panic about a need for resources and completely forget about the libraries, librarians, and the many resources already in place. As our ELA SAC (Subject Area Committee) was meeting this summer, I asked to speak. Our curriculum director kindly gave me time to talk about library resources.
I put together a powerpoint that probably isn't all that helpful without hearing me present it but maybe the notes will help some. I specifically went into the high school library website between slides 12 and 13 and talked about Online Databases, our card catalog, ILL, TumbleReadables, audiobooks, ebooks, working effectively with librarians, and using the library as a differentition tool. At the time, in late June, every single one of the resources I talked about was in a state of flux, so I tried to really emphasize that the links and information on the library site would always be updated, but that it is well nigh impossible to try to keep up with all the changes as a teacher while trying to teach class. With discussion, questions, and details, the presentation took about an hour and a half.
One thing that I appreciated about presenting was that the teachers were really honest about what they needed from me, and I learned at least as much from them as they learned from me. At a minimum, I am hoping they don't forget about their libraries when preparing their lessons! (MHouse)
Posted at 06:20 PM in Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Implementation of the Common Core Standards (CCS) was a key focus of the Kansas Leaning First Alliance meeting Oct. 27, 2011. KLFA work groups (Student Achievement and Professional Learning) devoted much of their efforts to plan for training of personnel in the field in conjunction with the Kansas State Department of Education. The CCS training opportunities would start later this month and extend through next summer.
The Community Engagement continued their work in the development of their second Public Service Announcements (to see the first PSAs, click here). They are also strategically identifying additional partnerships that we might form.
The membership collectively tackled the evaluation of the KLFA Website using a Google Doc survey. This data will be used to update the website. The Google Doc work also served as a professional learning activity for members.
The three groups work toward improving student achievement, strengthening the professional learning of educators, and engaging the public in school improvement and student achievement efforts. To focus their work, three general goals offer guidance. They are:
Almost 30 people from 20 of the member organizations were in attendance. The meeting dates for the rest of the year are Jan. 5, 2012; March 8, 2012; and May 10, 2012. All the meetings will start at 10:00 a.m. and will be held at KASB with the exception of the March meeting, which will be at KNEA. KLFA will celebrate its 13th birthday at the January meeting.
For more information about KLFA, visit the KLFA Website and/or look for “Kansas Learning First Alliance” on Facebook.
Posted at 06:58 PM in Advocacy, KASL News, Standards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)