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A few days ago, my good friend Sabrina B. and I were paying very close attention to the lecture in chemistry class (yes, I'm serious), and saw that the chemical symbol Zn(OH) was really fun to say. So, we came up with the awesome idea of coming up with our own language composed completely of chemical symbols. We haven't gotten very far from Zn(OH)2 and MnO2, and we don't really have translations, but that's ok, at least we know what's going on....
In my s-l-o-w progression through BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, I have finally reached season five. I love the Magic Box, the shop where Giles sells magic paraphernalia. He keeps all the deepest, darkest, most dangerous books and potions in a loft easily accessible by shimmying up a ladder. The books practically have a sign that says, "Hey, the interesting stuff is up here!"
So the other night, Willow is incensed enough to Climb the Ladder and find the book hidden BEHIND the other books, entitled, aptly enough, DARKEST MAGICK. She violently knocks off the clasp that keeps the book closed and it falls open, a mysterious wind rippling the pages. SPOOKY!
Sarah H. feels so guilty when she forgets her environmentally sound lunchware and is forced by necessity to eat from the environmentally unsound styrofoam lunchware (You know the ones. They have inspirational sayings like, "Always Do Your Best" and "Stay Clean" printed on their edges.) that with tears coursing down her checks for the sad state of the planet, she eats her styrofoam in order to dispose of it in an environmentally sound way. -mh
I personally thought this list of TOP TEN MOST ANNOYING PHRASES was amusing. Apparently, Oxford researchers keep track of overused buzzwords in a database called the Oxford University Corpus.
Even though, with all due respect, Oxford Researchers, I was shamed to learn that at this moment in time, I tend to use these phrases myself 24/7, even though I shouldn't of. It's a nightmare.
I really should try to speak better. After all, it's not rocket science.
If you are curious, here is the actual list of annoying and overused phrases.
1 - At the end of the day 2 - Fairly unique 3 - I personally 4 - At this moment in time 5 - With all due respect 6 - Absolutely 7 - It's a nightmare 8 - Shouldn't of 9 - 24/7 10 - It's not rocket science
Speaking of the US Air Force Academy . . . . The main library has an enormous spiral staircase which leads up to the Wright Flyer. Anybody interested in spearheading a movement to get one of these in the CGHS Library? I was thinking of something a tad more gothic. -mh
Irrelevance Warning: This post has nothing whatever to do with Council Grove High School Library or with any library anywhere.
So, I walk into Dillards last night and Led Zeppelin's Dazed and Confused is playing over the speaker system, softly, like the normal muzak they have in department stores. Let me just emphasize this. Dillards is playing Robert Plant's voice like it is perfectly normal BACKGROUND music. Did I fall asleep sometime in the last twenty years and Led Zeppelin went mainstream? (Don't answer that.)
My feeling of disorientation grew as I stood at the Clinique counter with all the other spoiled middle-aged women spending hundreds of dollars to slow the ravages of time, and Zeppelin continued to serenade us, singing one epic rock song after another. Unlike most of the new stuff, it does not sound as if it came out of a mass produced can labeled, "Epic Rock Song", either. It's the real deal, and they are playing it in Dillards.
I think I'm outraged.
By the way, in case anybody is interested, Robert Plant continues to perform incredible music. If you haven't checked out Raising Sand with Alison Krauss, you must if you have a beating heart in your chest. My favorite song is Nothin'.
If you haven't seen The Day After Tomorrow, see it so you can understand. M House and I were having a convo about what will happen to the world's knowledge in the future. And I figure, if books went to the internet, I would start to compile any and all books in a fallout shelter so I can burn them when the world freezes over. Thus surviving the next ice age.
Science Lingo
A few days ago, my good friend Sabrina B. and I were paying very close attention to the lecture in chemistry class (yes, I'm serious), and saw that the chemical symbol Zn(OH) was really fun to say. So, we came up with the awesome idea of coming up with our own language composed completely of chemical symbols. We haven't gotten very far from Zn(OH)2 and MnO2, and we don't really have translations, but that's ok, at least we know what's going on....
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