What Should I Read Next? Simply plug in a book you like, and this site will kick back a list of recommendations.
What's Next? This is the perfect one-stop, no-frills source for series information.
Whichbook.net Because it uses mood and appeal factors, not plot descriptions, titles, authors, or subject schemes, this site may take a little getting used to.
Perspecs pulls three stories on different topics: right leaning, left leaning, and neutral. If you want to know all about something, this is a good place to start.
Looking for a different place to find your Current Event for the day? 10x10 features the top 100 news stories from around the world linked to images on a ten by ten grid. The stories are ranked according to current popularity and importance. Clicking on an image in the grid will provide you with more information including links to more articles about the story. (You must allow pop-ups for the article links to work).
Google FastFlip is a graphic display of flippable magazine pages. Stories are grouped in categories: entertainment, business, opinion, politics, and most viewed. Users can customize the page, selecting titles they most prefer to view. If you are signed in to Google, the site will predict and personalize your news preferences. View a full list of the sources at http://fastflip.googlelabs.com/sources.
Google NewsTimeline organizes search results chronologically on a graphical time-line. Sources include Google News, Google News Archive, magazines, newspapers–major dailies and locals–and blog posts. Focus on a decade or drill down to a specific year, month, week or date. Adjust the size of the columns and specify the size of the document. The NewsTimeline is incredibly useful for studying contemporary events. Notice the other Timeline option that appears in the left frame after a regular Google search.
TimeSpaceWorld is an interactive world map that allows users to geographically navigate articles, photos, video and commentary. Examining the map, students easily discover global hot-spots geographically. They can use the slider to focus their searches by date and hour.