I do not normally read anything that looks even remotely like a romance. Sap Fests do nothing for me and usually the only thing more annoying than the boy and the girl in a YA romance novel is a COUPLE in a YA novel. However, rules are made to be broken and Eleanor and Park showed up on so many Best Books lists that I decided I had to read the first couple of pages. I figured I would be able to tell right off if I could stand it.
Great characters, check.
Depth, check.
Humor, check.
Best conversations EVER, check.
Here is one sample conversation from the book:
" 'Cool?' he said.
God. She couldn't believe she'd said that. Talk about uncool. Like the opposite of cool. Like, if you looked up cool in the dictionary, there'd be a photo of some cool person there saying, What the eff is wrong with you, Eleanor?
'I'm not cool,' he said. 'You're cool.'
'Ha,' she said. 'I wish I were drinking milk, and I wish you were here, so that you could watch it shoot out my nose in response to that.'
'Are you kidding me?' he said. 'You're Dirty Harry.'
'I'm dirty hairy?'
'Like Clint Eastwood, you know?'
'You don't care what anyone thinks about you,' he said.
'That's crazy,' she said. 'I care what everyone thinks about me.'
'I can't tell,' he said. 'You just seem like yourself, no matter what's happening around you. My grandmother would say you're comfortable in your own skin.'
'Why would she say that?'
'Because that's how she talks.'
'I'm stuck in my own skin,' she said." (pages 104 and 105)