I am a sucker for slick design, and I spent an embarrassing amount of time Friday morning oooohing and aaaaahing over how my iPad looked after I downloaded iOS 7.
So far, the only app that has crashed on me is the Gmail app, and I expect Google to update it fairly soon. Right now, though, I am back to using Mail because every time I open Gmail, I get this message.
Then the App crashes no matter what I do. The third party apps will correct themselves quickly, I expect. (I was right. The app corrected Monday evening before this post went up so I didn't have to do without it for very long.)
Until then, I am perfectly happy floating around in my lovely "new" iPad and exploring things like iTunes Radio.
and the third party apps that not only work but that are better, like EverNote.
I am also excited because, according to Quartz, Apple is laying the groundwork for even better networking with multi-path TCP in iOS7. Most of us won't even notice it, really, but it will make our devices work faster and more reliably. Beautiful and functional. What's not to love? (MHouse)