1. Arrangement
2. Checking out books and magazines and computers
3. Finding what you need
a. Web page (You are here!)
b. Catalog (Look to the left for Catalog.)
c. Advanced Google Search -Web Search Strategies
i. Internet survival
-Once it's out there, you can't take it back.
-The newspaper is covered with the tearful faces of people who thought their online activity was private.
-Treat people the way you like to be treated.
-Straightforward and clearly written, this guide helps you understand how to make your Facebook presence secure.
ii. How do you know if it's a reliable page? (Example - Walk through it.)
iii. Cite it! (Look to the left for Citing Sources. Hint: Use easybib.)
d. ILL
e. Online Subscription Databases (Look up or to the left for Magazines, Newspapers, or Encyclopedias.)